How To Succeed At Online Dating Even If You’re A Complete Novice

How to succeed at online dating? — a real tearjerker question for all the online daters. The reality is, that dating online has become so common that people see no other options besides meeting a potential match on the dating site. Online dating statistics show that in 2022, there were more than 366 million people using dating sites to find a partner for a serious relationship or other goals.
There is a general prediction that there will be more than 384 million online dating users worldwide. Why? Because it’s easier and safer to navigate online dating compared to the sweat-mumbling offline version of it.
1. What Results You Want to Get from Dating Online
One of the best online dating tips as so many people create profiles, impress others with a perfect profile picture, and immerse into other profiles without knowing what they’re looking for. Your online dating success becomes possible if you are aware of your real intentions on the platform. Why it’s good for you?
First of all, you don’t waste your time on people seeking other goals, and secondly, you don’t waste another person’s time. One of the biggest online dating pitfalls comes with two people thinking they found a good match and realizing after a few weeks, months, or even years that they desired different outcomes from each other.
They accuse each other of miscommunication. But let’s face it, it takes two to tango all the time. There are many other benefits of knowing your dating goals, especially when you’re ready to date someone at this point in your life.
Determining your goals and preferences is one of the key dating tips for men who want to be successful with women. That way, you will save yourself the trouble of looking through thousands of profiles and will be able to focus on the ones who fit your requirements. You will also avoid wasting anyone’s time. Of course, we don’t mean that you need to create a literal list of features you want to see in your potential partner or open up conversations by saying you want to get married right away, but a little clarity definitely doesn’t hurt, and it’s good for both parties.
2. Opt for a Reputable Online Dating Site
Among other online dating tips, this tip is the most valuable as so many people get frustrated at online dating for two reasons: they get scammed; they get catfished. It seems so simple: you meet online, conversation flowing makes you content but one day you realize the person on the other side of the screen is not who they presented themselves on their profile.
You then avoid connection with someone new as you have trust issues and all you want to do is to delete that dating app forever. Luckily, online dating sites implement special ID verification services that help you find more matches who are real people with no dark intentions. Hence, opt for the dating site proposing this free service.
Plus, reading the reviews on the platform is another great tip for every online dater who wants to reach online dating success.
There are now more dating apps than you can imagine, but not all of them are equally good at getting you what you want. There are dating apps for online flirting, casual relationships, one-night-stands, serious dating, and marriage. First, determine your ultimate goal, and then look for a dating website that fits your style. You can ask your friends for recommendations, listen to your own intuition, or check out some dating site reviews to find a service with the best combination of audience, features, prices, and safety features.
3. Spice Up Your Profile and Make It Unique
Your dating profile is the best representation of your personality there can be, so you should spend extra time and effort on filling it out. It should give other members a clear idea about who you are and what you want, but it should also intrigue them a little and make them want to drop you a line. Different dating sites give you various opportunities for spicing up your profile, but at the very list, your profile should contain the following information:
- Your location, age, and occupation. There is no need to get too specific and post your exact address or name of your workplace. However, information about your age, location, and profession definitely matter to women. If you live close enough, there isn’t a big age difference, and you’re an accomplished professional, your chances of meeting your soulmate skyrocket.
- What you want to achieve with your personal life. Whatever you are into, make it obvious in your profile. For example, even if you joined a specialized dating service where people look for potential spouses, you should still mention that you want to get married as soon as possible to save your matches the hassle of asking you about your plans directly.
- Your interests, hobbies, and beliefs. When a woman discovers that you and her like to do the same things in your spare time, love the same genre of music, or read the same authors, it’s going to create an instant connection between you and her. If you practice a certain religion and it truly matters to you, mention that in your profile as well.

4. Make an Eye-catching Profile Picture
Your profile photos are the first thing a woman sees besides your name, and you want them to make the right impression. Here are a few ways to make your profile photos work in your favor:
- Post more than one photo. Ideally, you should post several photos: portraits, full body shots, location pics, etc. The minimum number of photos in your dating profile is 3 and adding over 10 pics is definitely an overkill.
- Let your photos be true-to-life. You can be tempted to give your photos a quick edit to make them more appealing, but they still need to reflect the true state of things. Your pics should also be no more than 3 years old.
- Angles really matter. Men are prone to posting selfies shot from a lower angle, but it’s hard to get a flattering photo in this position. Even if you are taking a selfie, look for an angle that showcases your strength.
- Group photos are acceptable on one condition. One of the common online dating tips for success is to never post group photos, but they can work well on one condition: it should be easy to tell which person in the photograph is you.
- Don’t try to show off in your photos. When you want your potential matches to get the best idea about you, you may want to photograph yourself next to your car, house, or boat. However, showing off doesn’t work in your favor, unless you are looking for a shallow and materialistic woman.
5. Let Someone Analyze Your Online Dating Profile
This is one of the hardest online dating tips for some people as not everyone is so brave as to allow a trustworthy person to analyze their dating profile. But if you want to develop a good relationship with potential partners on dating sites you need to overcome your shyness and let someone observe your dating page.
We have no problem judging our friends, but it can be hard to be objective towards ourselves. After your dating profile is finished, ask one of your friends to look at it with a fresh pair of eyes. They will tell you what kind of impression your profile makes, whether it’s true to your personality, and what can be potentially changed to make it more appealing.
Also, it’s a good exercise for reacting to constructive criticism and coping with it properly. But make sure you choose people who care about you and genuinely wish to get you on the first date with a good person. Don’t ask for help from envious friends and unhappy relatives who aren’t good relationship role models.
And don’t ask for more tips from people who take online dating as something unserious or childish. Such human beings will endorse any kind of photo or profile description of yours as they might be too skeptical for “sober evaluation”.
Online dating is a wonderful thing that joins couples, creates families, or brings out the best in people from a far distance from each other. And no one has the right to impose on you the opposite.
6. Stand Out with a Compelling First Message
Would you believe the statement that online dating success depends on the first message? Probably, one part of you would fall for it and this part would be right. The power of the first message is so profound that the online dating experience may cease to exist just because one person was not moved by your “Hey, how are you?”, or “Hey, what’s up?”.
It’s funny that we live in an era where we no longer have to approach someone on the street, fly to another country, or meet in a bar to get into a relationship with someone. All we need to do is to switch our brain to creative mode and google a few engaging first messages online. But still, people even here may be too lazy to spice up the first message excusing themselves their hot profile already did a great job for them.
Don’t be one of them. Instead, pick up a nice question for your first message on the dating site, or start with a game, or a vivacious compliment that describes a photo of a person from a different perspective. Be creative or steal creative ideas from Google authors. It doesn’t matter.
Beautiful women on online dating apps get a lot of attention from men, so your generic first message can be simply lost in her inbox. On the other hand, cheesy pick-up lines can also ruin your chances with the women. The best way to stand out and make the lady read your message is to use the information you saw in her profile: for example, her interests or her bio.
7. Don’t Trust the Scammers
How to master online dating and stay safe in the process? Research the most common dating website scams and watch out for red flags! Here are the three most popular dating site scams.
- The woman is already in love with you. It’s only been a few days since you’ve met online, but the woman is already deeply in love with you. After a while, she will start asking you for money or favors, so before that happens, cut the ties altogether.
- Something bad happens to her every day. A woman is less quick to tell you that she loves you, but she has a bad thing happen to her every other day. Health problems, robberies, debts, and tuition fees are just some of the ways scammers will try to take advantage of you.
- She is constantly putting off the real-life meeting. You’re communicating online and it’s going well, but every time you suggest meeting in real life, she finds another excuse. There is a big possibility that it’s actually a catfish instead of a real woman. Plus, it’s simply a waste of your time.
- The woman asks for money from you. A typical situation: her family member is awfully sick and she lacks some money for treatment. Scammers on dating apps often use this strategy to suck as much money as possible from gullible individuals.
These are the most possible red flags demonstrating a scammer is in front of you. In case, you stumble upon a scammer, contact customer service immediately. They will most likely block or eliminate the user forever.
8. Get on a Real First Date with a Girl You Liked
We’ve given you a lot of valuable tips on how to online date, but one of the most vital tips doesn’t concern online relationships. When you have a clearly defined goal and you’ve met a woman with the aspirations, there is no point in talking online for months or years. Meet in real life, see if your connection translates well to the offline world, and see where things go from there.
This is especially applicable to people who yearn for long-term relationships. You know how to date online but once your online dating transforms into an endless online dating hole it starts repelling potential partners. Of course, if both of you are okay with online dating only then it’s fine but ensure you’re both on the same page about it.
Phone calls are amazing, and video calls are great, but if you don’t see and talk to each other in person the person on the other side might lose interest over time. This may sound like a weird piece of advice but one of the best online dating tips is to finally get out of online dating and meet face-to-face with the woman you liked.
Yes, you might be fearful too shy, or anxious to meet in person. That’s okay. You can do it gradually. Start with audio calls, shift to face calls, and then ask a lady out on a real date. Dating offline with the right person is so much more fulfilling and interesting as you can touch each other, observe each other in various situations, and move to the next level faster.
Testimonials and Success Stories
Finding a romantic match is easier than anyone could think of. And all the myths around a hookup culture of online dating are diminishing yearly. Now more and more people share real success stories from using dating sites and are ready to openly demonstrate their vision of online culture.
Expert Opinions
No matter whether you’re new to dating or already failed a few times during online or offline dates, let bygones be bygones. You always have the right to a fresh start. Remember one essential thing, your age or your past humiliating dating history doesn’t define you as a personality.
It’s never too late to start dating again. Make sure you contribute to it and take it seriously. All of these online dating tips are meant to give you a second but more successful chance to not only meet amazing people online but also join your life with a wonderful partner.
Successful relationships start with the registration on the platform, not your fears or doubts. You make the first step, then create a profile, and don’t try to waste your time waiting for messages from others. Taking initiative is always tough but rewarding in the end as you take responsibility for your life.
There is no point in trying to impress a person who lacks engagement, and other crucial traits that you need in a partner. Hence, define your goals, acknowledge the traits you seek out in others and bravely start your new dating adventure with potential matches.
Safety Tips
One of the toughest repellants for people during online dating is their problem with scammers. Unfortunately, even with ID verification you still may bump into individuals who may take advantage of you. But this time you will be prepared for this and won’t allow it to happen.
Firstly, you need to identify the scammer. The good news they are usually into the same sketchy schemes (no imagination whatsoever). How to understand you’re talking to a scammer?
- They’re creating fake profiles. Scammers, or in other words, catfishers (in this case) never use their real pictures on dating sites.
- They look perfect in the photos.
- They call your relationship romantic very quickly and might even write you “I love you” after a few days of communication.
- They start asking for things. When they gain your trust, they may begin asking for presents or even cash. In return, they share some intimate photos as a “thank you”.
- They never meet in person or appear in a video chat.
Your actions to these scams may be simple:
- Insist on a video call. If they always refuse or cancel it at the last moment, drop communication with that person
- Don’t send them money, documents, or important information about yourself (your card number or insurance number)
- Never provide your email or personal number
- Report the scammer to customer care
To sum up
Online dating can be a great way to find your ideal partner, but only if you take a serious approach to it and listen to the experts. If you want to achieve success as quickly as possible, we have all the resources you need right here on our site. Find mail order brides, dating tips, and guides to different types of women and build your winning online dating strategy!